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Commanders's Message


It’s my pleasure to welcome our newly installed officers and I would like to thank the past leadership for all that they accomplished and their support.  It is my honor to serve again as your Commander and I look forward to another year of taking care of Veterans, their families and carrying on the traditions of our great organization.  
     Seems like summer is slowly getting here and the North Country summer weather really is the best.  We have lots on tap for activities that are sure to be fun for all.  
     Our 26th Annual Golf Tournament will be held on the 17th of August at Adams Country Club. This is always a good time with an included steak dinner.  The proceeds from this event go to our scholarship fund.
     I would also like to point out that we are extremely lucky and proud to have local music legend Bob Kissell playing again for the summer.  Please take note of the calendar for the exact dates and times.  These evenings are guaranteed to be a good time of great music and fun with friends.
     I really appreciate all the support and help from our members, families and volunteers.  We had a great crew that helped with placing flags at the gravesites of our Veterans as well as to help with the Chicken Bar-B-Q.  I would however, like to see some more volunteers and support during all or our events.  Without your support, we could not be as successful as we are.  I am so proud to be part of this organization and all that we do and stand for!
     Please keep our troops and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

  “Our Flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each Combat Veteran who died protecting it. 


Quartermaster's Report


Hello to all Post and Auxiliary members! Thank you for your continued support as our summer starts. Leave us a comment in the comment box, speak with an Officer of the Post, volunteer some time, or attend a meeting. Your input and insight is critical to our continued success. We need your help to make the Post be the best it can be. We will continue to work on improving our Post. Let us know what you think!
Thank You

Membership Report for 2024

Life                              218

New                                 7

Reinstated                      3

Continuous                   36

Total                              264

Percent                      97.05%


Service Officers Report

Please contact the Post if you know of either a Post or Auxiliary member that is sick or deceased so that appropriate action can be taken.  Also, be sure and notify the Post when a member is hospitalized at SMC. The Post will pay a maximum of $50 per year of TV for any of our members during their hospital stay.


Reported sick/or in Care: James Decker, Gail Beach, James Brooks, Will Harris, Nick Luciari.


Samaritan Hospital: 


In Memoriam: 

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